JONSOG associates,Inc., creators of QuickDog Software is now using QuickDog to generate SIMULCAST TIPSHEETSfor most greyhound tracks across the country.
You can buy oursimulcast tipsheets as youneed them.
A simulcast tipsheet doesn't just cover one track, it coversall the tracks you want to play! You tell us, what tracks, what wager, andwe'll generate a tipsheet that is designed to provide the best plays for thatwager at the tracks selected, all over the United States - TODAY!
SampleSimulcast Tipsheet - Here is a sample of what you would receive in youremail
Our SimulcastTipsheets ( Tips ) now coverthe following tracks:
Birmingham,Bluff's Run, Caliente, Corpus Christi, Cloverleaf, Daytona Beach, Dairyland,Dubuque, Ebro, Gulf Greyhound, Geneva Lakes, Hinsdale,Hollywood, Jacksonville, Jefferson County, Lincoln, Mile High, Multnomah, NaplesFort-Meyers, Orange Park, Palm Beach, Phoenix, Plainfield, Pueblo, Raynham,Seabrook, Southland,Derby/St. Pete, Shoreline Star, Tampa, Tri-State, Tucson, Valley,Victoryland, WheelingDowns, Wichita, Wonderland.
What is ourSIMULCAST TIPSHEET ( Tips )?
We now use our QuickDog software toproduce a single text file which contains any tracks you select, along with the bestselections BASED ON HISTORY of those selections for that TRACK, GRADE, andDISTANCE. These are delivered to your email address the morning of therace programs. You can request ALL tracks or just those that you play fromyour location.
But, what makes this service uniqueis that you can select only the races which you would be comfortable wageringon, BASED ON how well these have been picked by QuickDog in the past, for aparticular wager that YOU SELECT!
For example, we've created ahandicapping method designed to pick the WINNER, and tested this for hundreds ofraces at each track/distance/grade. The Method is different for eachtrack, grade of dog, and distance of race, as you might guess, and we provide you only those particularraces where we've done better than whatever success rate YOU PICK!
Youonly want races that have been picked better than 40% of the time in thepast? You tell us!! We'll only provide those races. You savetime, and skip the races which don't match your wagering style!
Each race is time stamped with theapproximate post time, so you'll get the races listed in order of anticipatedpost time, no matter where you live. This will make playing the races thatmuch easier, and chances are you won't miss any because they are all in order!
Right now, we only have 3 wagerswe've created methods for but we're adding several more. Here's an exampleof what you would ask for...
I want the followingtracks -
Gulf, Multnomah,Palm Beach, Birmingham, Victoryland, Bluff's Run and Wonderland.
I want to wager on aBox 4 Quinella (right now youcan choose from COLD WIN, BOX4 Q, or BOX 4 EXACTA - we're adding more wagersright now)
I only want to seeraces that the method has had 50% or better success at picking over the past 300or more races at this track/grade/distance according to the race. (Obviouslythe higher the number here, the fewer programs you will receive. Inaddition our system will limit the % to a reasonable value. For example,saying 12% for a COLD WIN is not reasonable as this is chance. Ourtipsheet will only provide those races which are picked at 25% or better.)
I want to useQuickDog's STANDARD METHOD to handicap these races. (Youcan also pick the KNIFE METHOD, KNIFE ADAPTED METHOD, MORGAN METHOD, CONSENSUSMETHOD or BEST METHOD)
SEND ME THE TIPSHEETFREE (See below for step bystep directions for ordering your first Simulcast Tipsheet FREE)
What does a TipsSheetlook like?
Here are samples ofseveral tipsheet "styles". QuickDog software produces 5different methods of handicapping a program of races. Each has differentinformation. Just click on each link below for a sample.Inaddition to information for each type of TIPSHEET, there is one type ofinformation that is common to each tipsheet. The "METHODSUCCESS" line will tell you how successful the selections have been for aparticular wager over a large number of past races. The higher thepercentage success, together with the number of races tested, will provide yourwith a level of confidence in your wager.
Youwill notice that each of these Methods has several pages of information if you were toprint them out.(Seebelow to find out how to get your FIRST Simulcast Tipsheet FREE)
SampleSimulcast Tipsheet - Here is a sample of what you would receive in youremail
Click Here for Explanation of Standard Method
Click Here for Explanation of Knife Method
Click Here for Explanation of KnifeAdapted Method
Click Here for Explanation of Morgan Method
How do I get My FREE SimulcastTipsheet?
To Order a FREETipsheet for Tomorrow's Races (weprepare and send these out the day of the programs so you must order beforetomorrow morning to receive your Simulcast Tipsheet for Tomorrow's Race Programs):
1) Simply Send an email (ClickHere: and enter the following information.
a) Subject linemust have the words - "free tipsheet" - in it.We receive a lot of spam email so including free tipsheetin the subject will make sure your email is properly processed by our mailsystem. If the words "free tipsheet" are NOT there, our systemmay ignore your request.
b) PROVIDEYOUR NAME and in your emaillist the following:
1) All the tracks you want to have handicapped. Use the trackname. If you don't enter any tracks, then we willignore your email.
2) The wager you want to use to handicap - choose 1 - COLD WIN or BOX 4 Qor BOX 4 EXACTA. If nothing is specified, we'llprovide the COLD WIN Wager.
3) The Method you want to use to HANDICAP or write "BEST METHOD".If you don't know, we'll always provide the BEST METHODfor each race.
4) The % Success, for example, 40% which means QuickDog has picked thistype of race 40% of the time or BETTER Correctly in the past. Ifyou don't care, then don't provide this information and our software willautomatically use a number.
5) Select the number of races you want to make sure were tested in thepast to deliver the % Win in number 4. For example, if at least a 40% win in only20 past races is ok with you, then say 20. But if you want to be moresure, say 100, or 200, or even 500 past races. Ifyou don't care, don't provide this information.
6) Let us know what your time zone is. These tipsheets willdisplay the estimated Post Time for each of the races and the races are listedin this order. So, in order to make sure the time shown is NOT PacificTime (our time), we need to know your TIMEZONE! Ifyou don't enter a time zone, we'll use the PACIFIC TIME ZONE.
We WILL NOT writeback to you with questions. If you do not receive your FREE tipsheettomorrow morning, then you can assume that we didn't understand your request andyou might try again to FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ABOVE.
How much does aSimulcast TipSheet Cost?
To begin your trial run we offer youa free Simulcast Tipsheet, so you will only pay for additional tipsheets if you enjoythe freebie!We hope that you willmake enough money using our Simulcast Tipsheet to easily cover the cost of yournext purchase!
Simulcast Tipsheets, due to theircustom nature are $10 per Tipsheet, which can be paid via paypal when you ordermore. We can accept MONEY ORDERS by mail, but we will not send outtipsheets without having received payment FIRST! So, if you want to orderby mail, you may want to include enough money for several tipsheets for youraccount. We will track your account for you in this case so you must trustus to do so. If you can not trust us, then use each time youorder a tipsheet.
See below forOrder Information
Steps to Ordering Simulcast Tipsheets:
1) Select thePAYPAL payment button below to make your $10 Tipsheet Payment. 2) Send youremail request to us 9:00pm EST the day before the date of your tipsheet.
If youwould like to try our FREE QuickDog Software and haven't yet, Click Here!
JONSOGassociates, Inc. uses the Paypal service to collect credit card payments. PAYPALis owned by EBAY so you can trust it to keep your payments secure.
ORDERINGSimulcast Tipsheets BY MAIL -
Topay by money order only send your money order payment to JONSOG associates, Inc.,PO Box 911, Lyle, WA., 98635. IMPORTANT- Remember to include $10 per Simulcast Tipsheet you will want to purchaseso that you don't have to wait NEXT TIME!
QuickTipsCredits - Order Table
Order# | Online Purchase |
$10 per Tipsheet |
See above for directions on what to include in your emailto request your Simulcast Tipsheet.
Email:©Copyright 2003 JONSOG associates, Inc, PO Box 911, Lyle, Washington 98635
Last Updated on -12/11/2003