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THE PLAIN DEALER Sun Nov 4 1962 GM Ride Cops Junior ebruary Start a '2 average a hike of WINNING PAIR 176 $55015302 KENNEL AND Tota Is 132 $20557659 $77353060 Milwaukee Gridder Dies After Game Tennessee Is Winner 23 0 ox Hunt dogs dress Shir! Sauereiscn RESULTS RACES AT LEADING TRACKS to 3rd Light on 19 6n and 380 400 560 260 to 830 250 2 RO 220 Elder 260 mi 148: 2080 920 740 560 Kilmoray Rama Edward mi 300 Pet Rose Leslie 10 40 Bandnlo In 5 60 240 900 and 400 Waterford Results POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Excerpts from The Cleveland Press Editorial of Sept 14 1962 720 500 920 Gorman for Juvenile Court Hope 980 660 Band and 1:15: 640 filed for the third 360 Gnnd Shrf firld Rath Dot Reprinted by Vrtizens for Gorman for Juvenile Court Comm'Hank Nowak Chrm 23401 Beachwood Blvd them in office now Albert A Woldman about the from New 580 1 090 430 470 4 00 860 Grand Totals 308 tAt Northfield Park 3 80 700 460 360 3040 4 60 4 60 1200 io 620 480 260 400 860 600 440 130 600 540 1100 500 35 bO Olivet lash 340 480 300 400 420 2 60 260 220 620 320 420 420 360 Skiop Button The Ohio Brittany Club will hold a fun trial at 8:30 a Sunday Nov 18 at Montville Lakes (Reed's training area) on Route 162 south of Medina ee is $10 for two birds or details write or phone Tony Sarantos 135 Glenna Lane Brunswick Phone CA 5 3847 I 340 600 Alert 420 480 440 260 280 meeting district rac Wednesdav 420 600 54 0 820 280 230 3 no 370 290 340 400 760 Music 6 60 5 60 360 Dare 8 60 660 5 20 260 240 300 1000 Chance Baby Beat the Champ Contest Set for 380 a 4 40 War Glided 330 Licht 260 4 10 3 20 Bom 400 Watch CHERRY HILL NJ Bi Montpelier deter mined Mongo overhauled fa vored Carry Back in the stretch yesterday to win the Trenton Handicap The stunned crowd of 19877 saw Carry Back put on his famous run from far back to gain the lead in the stretch However Charlie Burr on Mongo called for one more try and the colt responded for a nose victory The mile and a quarter Trenton had a value of $86800 with $56240 going to Mongo The time over a slop py track was 2 minutes 5 seconds Mongo paid $1280 $460 and $300 Carry Back returned $360 and $260 and Sensitivio who finished third lengths behind Carry Back returned $320 Sensitive was followed by Whitley Towson Smart Misty Day and Crozier THAT LARGE entries are expected is indicated by the recognition of 10 places in each class in the trial phase of the event City dwellers mostly are Two Groups Set un ield Trials The Buckeye Retriever' Club will hold its fall fun trial next Westie Club Maps Match The recently organized West Highland White Club here will meet at 8:30 riday night at the home of Barbara Golland 2460 Deborah Drive Beach wood Preparations will be made for a match for members only to be held next Sunday at the Alador Kennels on Route 422 near Chagrin alls Jerry Halle will judge the match which will take entries begin ning at 11 a with judging to start at 1:30 that Narzyna went back into action for one or two plays Mierzwa said Narzyna col lapsed soon after boarding a bus following the game The coach he added administered mouth to mouth resuscitation before Jarzzyna was rushed to a hospital where he was pronounced dead The fatality was the 19th re ported in the nation this year of which 14 have occurred in high school football There have been two in sandlot play and three in college competi tion 389 460 380 520 380 Blue 360 280 500 260 360 300 Greek 400 440 280 Act Gate Records The NL broke its own at tendance record seven years in a row 430 320 290 Over Wild 340 72 0 380 5 00 520 who run De into Is Scene of ox Hunt Hound Show 100 300 800 Ad 5 60 4 on 360 620 650 860 Is Surprised by Mongo i 340 i 420 380 airy Teddy Recifp Renta 4 no 340 Nights 44 44 44 20 (I8D 620 Duruja 3 60 44 0 Track Duties Clarence (Biggie) Munn Michigan State athletic direc tor was track coach for his alma mater University of Minnesota in 1934 and 1935 Sunday on the grounds of Mr and Mrs Eddie Bruch in Waite Hill It will be a com bination stake trial for derby qualifying and open all age dogs Ducks and pigeons will be used 400 5 10 560 John Mo 320 560 440 MONGO ASSUMED com mand just past the half mile pole Whitley moved into sec ond place as Carry Back moved up as they headed into the straightaway Mongo carried 118 pounds to 129 for Carry Back with John Rotz aboard 'Carry Back was seeking his second consecutive Trenton Handicap victory Jack Price's 4 year old won last year as the finishing touch of a $565349 sophomore cam paign Mongo had also won the United Nations Handicap at Atlantic City in September The victory was seventh in 10 starts this sea son The setback dimmed Carry chances of winning horse of the year honors He has won five times this year which is to be his last season under silks The 4 year old scored important victories in the Whitney Monmouth and Metropolitan Handicaps How ever in his previous start Carry Back finished fifth in Belmont Man War won by Beau Purple 820 510 6 20 720 360 440 540 Prime MISS RHLA HAD left her hat coat and crop in the Mad ison Square Garden check room after the morning elim ination contest that left 15 ifnalists When she arrived to pick up the gear the room was locked Meanwhile she was being called from the ring inally she rushed out told the of ficials the room was locked They opened it and she hustled over to her 9 year old mount Cono Wingobeile "It's all she said later referring both to the top prize and her brush with disaster Alice Cole of Harrison was reserve to Miss Ripa Kathy Lyda of Brockton Mass was third and Candy Miksch of Short Hills was fourth 560 the scarlet coated variety ox hunting in the American tradition is deeply rooted in Ohio and will always remain since in the foreseeable future there will always be men who get a quiet sense of satisfac tion from the blended voices of hounds swelling over the countryside 2 60 2 10 2 60 INORMATION event emanates Concord because John Behen president of the as sociation lives there Don McDowell secretary lives at Cambridge which is even closer to the locale for this specific event The bench show on riday night will begin at 8 and will be held in Bell's Garage in North Salem The judge will be Jack Cada of Cambridge He will do all classes includ ing puppies No matter what time the bench show winds up riday night no one is going to sleep in on Saturday morning be cause the field trial starts at 7 Cast will be made on fast running grounds on the Ted Kennedy ann The word is that there are plenty of foxes and no deer problem Home plate judge will be Roy IL Wilson of Cambridge Top Prize NEW YORK Nancy Ri pa a blond 16 ycar old high school junior from Newport I won the good hands the top honor for ju niors in the yester day at the National Horse Show after almost missing the class because her equipment was locked up The formal name of the event is the National Horse Show Equitation Trophy It is purely a test of horsemanship in which the riders are re quired to go at a walk trot and canter execute figure eights and finally stop and back their mounts 240 300 300 Girl The Bulldog Club of Greater Cleveland will meet Wednesday night at the GAR Home on Memphis Avenue NOTES The Western Reserve Ken nel Club will meet at 9:30 Tuesday at Hotel Manger Bill Rainin of a i Studios will give an illus trated talk on photography with the graphing welcome AT RANDALL betting came to $14467039 which meant an average of $328796 a de crease of 83 The Cranwood which ended the ing season last saw a $12985947 total for an average of $295135 that re flected a 4 drop from a rec ord high Ascot Park drew a play of $12082749 for a $274608 aver age a decline of 2 The Painesville at field Park meeting which launched the standardbred campaign proved the best fi nancially ever staged at the plant unveiled in the fall of 280 Off Baseball Start Charley a 1 1 gained fame as a home hitter outfielder for the troit Tigers club broke organized baseball as a pitcher in 1947 for the club in Wcllesville 420 280 540 Time Ititie ury Time Good Alike THIS WAS NANCY'S first success in the national after four previous tries She was fifth last year But she's a highly experienced rider be ginning at age 6 She works under Joseph Vanario of Port Chester every week end Patricia Heuckeroth of Dariln Conn captured the Harry Teters Memorial Trophy for a combination of jumping and dressage Cull man of New York who won the Peters event last vear graduated into the senior di vision and won the open class also lor jumping and age A judge of Juvenile Court fills one of the most responsible posts in the community a responsibility to parents to law enforcement officials to the schools and most of all to boys and girls His job is delicate for he is bending the twig in many cases There is nothing about the requirements for the post This year voters will elect three judges of juvenile Court 1 wo ot are unopposed They are and John Toner Seven candidates have judgeship a new one recently created by the Legislature Of the seven RANK GORMAN BEST ITS THE DEMANDS THE OICE IN THE OPINION THE PRESS Ohio State Plays in Cage Tourney MORGANTOWN Va Virginia will compete next year with Duke Ohio State and St (NY) in a centennial classic basketball tournament to be played here as part of the 100th birthday celebration 1 The tourney will be held Dec 6 7 1963 at Mountaineer ieldhouse 340 340 600 Hat 220 320 Sign! Honnr Tammy ns ip uh c's Brjom Pzd oublc 70 340 380 1720 740 Union Ratsabear By LaRUE DANIELS Any connection between Astronaut John Glenn and the ancient American sport of fox hunting may be entirely coincidental but it is Ill'll 'll! 1 a lau uiai an mipvi tain aica in mid nuunu activity centers about New Concord 0 the town Glenn put on the space map or decades before formal dog shows were even thought of Ohioans were matching the urueniels skill of their hounds in pursuit of the fox This was especially true in the hilly regions of the state toward the south and it is to this day Continuing the fine old tra ditions Of the American fox hunter and adding embellish ments the Southeastern Ohio ox Association will sponsor the 1962 Greater Ohio1' Annual ox Hunt ri day and Saturday at North Salem The program calls for a bench show riday night and a field trial the next day The association is affiliated with the National Association Handle 70631 JR 6735262 6649279 5 on 6 SO 3 00 260 320 Aurora 0 6 0 ield scoring touchdowns: Smith pass from reeland): Carpenter iSO interception i PAT: Ruschak (ruin Aurora scoring touchdown: lora run Climax inish The Dodgers streaked 15 wins in their last 20 games en route to the 1959 NL pen nant and then capped it off with a surge that brought them the world title peak 1080 320 320 360 330 380 400 3eo 500 680 940 320 580 540 320 360 980 accent on photo Guests are i accompanied by her Seeing Eye dog Mittens will speak before the Parma German Shepherd Dog Club at 8:30 Saturday night at the home of Mr and Mrs George Kane 7725 Ridge Road Parma She will speak on the use of dog guides OR EVERYONE who ties or The a keepsake award will be given Last season 43000 bowlers tied or topped the scores posted by Dick Weber and Shirley Garms when they appeared at Skang Lancs In addition to the prizes and competitive fun the tour nament offers proceeds of the event will be turned over to Plain Dealer Charities Inc which distributes the funds to many welfare proj ects in the area Entry fee is only 25 cents Sam Levine executive secretary of the BPA again will direct the tourney It was Levine and former BPAA president Nat Kogan who created the contest format which has since spread to many other cities around the nation ALL MEN AND women bowling in BPA establish ments are eligible to enter and may participate as ofteh as they compete in league play during the contest period They will roll a three game series receiving an 80 han dicap of 200 scratch The champions whom con testants must beat will be de termined at the 22nd annual BPAA All Star tournament to be held in Kansas City in Jan uary Defending champions are Weber from St Louis and Mrs Garms of Chicago The new champions will bowl their target scores here on a live telecast from a BPA establis hment to be an nounced Last grand prize winners were Larry Hirsch and Judy Shaffer Hirsch a 172 average bowler rolled a 604 actual series for a 670 han dicap total in the roll off at Playhouse Square Lanes while Mrs Shaffer who carried a 144 fired 547 actual for a 679 han dicap score at Trianon Lanes SHOWBOUND These orange belton English setters will be entered in the Sugarbush Ken nel Club match at noon today at the Burton airgrounds They are Raynor's Samantha of Mayhew four months old and Kaynor's Orange leck a senior dog They are owned by Dennis Ronyak 108 Allyn Boulevard Chardon and are handled by Mrs Ronyak They have been winners at previous matches By LEN HAAS I Beat the Champion contest which attracted a record smashing participation of more than 125000 north eastern Ohio bowlers last season has been scheduled for Sunday eb 17 through Saturday March 2 for the fifth annual competition Co sponsored by The Plain Dealer and the Bowling Pro Association of Great er Cleveland in cooperation with the Brunswick Corp entries for the forthcoming tournament are expected to soar still higher Grand prize awards will be new Chevrolet sedans and Plain Dealer trophies to the winning man and woman with a long list of other awards to be distributed to establishment and league leaders 1060 nnrfArc Oxbow avorite 260 320 440 Necromancer 3420 '14 4n 460 HUME ROAD Brumfield 3600 1480 SABRE TALK Shirota 112 0 HARDSCULE Vasquez Colin's Babe Relation Princess Nybur Soatonian Shenorock Real One Speedy Bird Countess Juana Little Brassy POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 310 3 00 1 00 Our Grand Totals At This! leDown HAHNESS HOUSE 420 320 5 4 0" 360 420 1957 The tote handle of $7968523 resulted in an aver age of $181102 and an in crease of 183 or the regular Northfield carnival of speed the $7958659 compilation re flected an average of $180873 a 127 bulge The Grandview finale had total wagers of $7106336 for a $161507 69 Aqueduct Results 6 fur BURNING JET Quesada 1840 CALHOUN Combesf fa i WHITTIER Adams Volga (a Wingo Boy Tibet Potentiality Shiny Duck tairankel entry 6 fur BUSY PRINCE Valenzuela 1110 LYING TROUBLE Adams CAAIr KUYAL Bove St Honore Short Nip Mizzon DAILY DOUBLE Burnln Busy Prince i 3 and 8) paid 6 fur 1:11: ECHOSON Pierce 990 LA NG DANG Ussery MISTER PITT Harmatt Tax Ancient Attic Key Issue 7 fur 1:25: INSURRECTION Adams 1000 460 Sil DUKA Valenzuela 560 REEDOM IGHTER Shnemakor ol Renegsun Nan Tout Our wogcr uorresjj'Hiama 1 rn 1:373 ROYAL ASCOT Adams CHATEAUGAY ShOnmakor RARITAN VALLEY Hartack 1 1M1V1V1E1X 1 nnp HELLENIC HERO Bove SURER Valenzuela Ba! Musette Morry 3 00 400 300 War Banz 1 040 1040 Running: Shoes 370 55 0 2 RO Skybo Eon 2d Jet and $13110 3 202 RO 400 320 480 Gem Ruler MILWAUKEE UP) Theo dore Jarzyna 17 year old end for Milwaukee Bay View high school died riday night after his football team wound up the season against Milwaukee Custer I His coach rancis Mierz wa said the 200 pound end was bumped in the abdomen taken from the game and ex 5 amined by a team physician Garden State Results 1 ml 70 yds MANHETTENVILLE Baeze 880 420 MISS CHAN Blum 440 INTACT Brooks Boy Packed House New oxey Mood Vita Chart Sea Tracing Stella Jean Jims Storyland Lilly Queen 6 fur ROMANS WILL Gomez 820 INCOME Baeza DERMAGH Thornburg Hustle Bubbly Cosmark Mr Romo Silver Ego Niburd DAILY DOUBLE: Manhattetnviu and Romans Will (7 6 Paid $3440 ml STAR GRAD Gilligan 660 MONONGAHELA Brooks ADMIRAL GANO Gomez Pampop Mr Mystic Hall Montgromery unicago count 16 mi GALA MAZE Gomez RELECTIVE Rotz ONANGO Gilligan So So Handsome HARNESS HORSES i racK tGrandview North field tPainesvjlle 530 3 1 0 3 5 0 1nntnarnOcc0 iu jrtz couth Kisquc 17 2:10: ROYAL PATRICE Grant 1510 Waltz Song Mellon OIL ROYALTY Adams aiCounter Cal Cicada iaHoney Dear Shlrlcv Jones Breinalea Lincoln venter tamarnna faiWhitney cnir 7 fur DAWN PRNCE Adonic CANTORC1TO Bove iD' Su 'da irst Lord Massacre Step Brume 1:533: COUNT CHUCK Valenzuela 590 nRTZE IGHT Pierce GOOD STYLE ComboRt Hoe Down Sinn etner Tahitian 1:09: 17 60 960 440 Brooks 4620 15 10 420 TliUey Gros? of 280 300 360 Bpo oolish illy Mr nat 320 1160 1R0 Trusand camerlser Java Boy ield High scored on a 35 yard pass play from Dave reeland to red Smith and a 50 yard pass interception by rank Carpenter to spoil Au homecoming 14 6 yes terday in a Portage County League football game The i registered their touchdown in the second period on Randy lora's 55 yard sprint 1962 P'R ld 0 8 9 6 135 pass I was the hapless seventh straight setback and the first time this season they Jailed to score I Except for an 81 yard scor ing march late in the second fiiarter erratic ingl ewing attack was bottled ip effectively by a hard charging Deacon line Tailback Bobby Morton raced over fro mthe 12 to cap the driveZa Wake orest 0 0 0 jf Tennessee 0 14 3 Tennessee scoring Touchdowns: Morton 12 run Gowdy 52 pass interception aircloth 27 pass interception Shu ford 22 PATs: Shuford 2 (kicks Attendance 22325 Harrison National Gallery (4 3) paid $2100 1 ml Xi 70 yds 1:46: 5 IK A LrAcU nfe Stovall 480 BLAZE A WISH Moyers MOUNTAIN IRE Dcsplrlto Jack's Star Maura Leaping Bean Prince Lulti 6 fur COUNTEPIECES Moyers WINNING SECRET CREEK BRAVE Wafda way or Liie i Harney Ual Buzzin 6 fur 1 TWIN CITY Silva 1740 TMITATOR Espinosa RETROLA Madien Lo ioy iron Romany Rye 6 fur HI LIZ Madden INDIAN RELICS Martinez THADDEUS Mover star Brier Swerve Miss Knave A Just WPfl A GHUton A Prickett entry SEVENTH 6 fur 1 ONG US a i rban 2380 DISCIPLINE Wajda PRINCE ORSINI Connolley 6 fur RY INVITATION Parker 900 LITTLE SIR Bradlev CHRISTY MAHON Jenkins Royal Bat Whirling Loops 1 6 mt 20534: Rlue Pad Dav Silver Boy New Effort Pollon Moon Discovery Spicy Tour mi 2:40 Hidden Charm King Sug A lceman Triple ive Avenue Anutrof A Kandy Stable entry Narragansett Results 6 fur 1:15: MR HARRITO Movers T00 4 20 320 CRAN MAR JO Bradlry 1800 1380 IRASCIBLE Garry 1860 Adlrolf Hammer Mill Tantran Weeper Boy Serendipity Dandy Master Davids Success 1 mi TO yds NATIONAL GALLLKY smnaie EVOE Bradley r7Af AK Wuifia Dunraven Schoolmaster Ours ighting Boy DAILY DOUBLE: Mr Laurel Results 6 fur AIR SPIN Chambers 720 460 GALLANT DUCHESS Kraiz 8 60 RY RY IMP Smith Uncle Blue Top American Brown Sul tan Golden Moth Miss Kingarvie Sadik cranay tsie 7 fur 1:26 PART TIME INDIAN Chambers SAGUM Haycock MARK ONE Hinojosa Sir Cnarmlan Rah Grcv Beau Tin Sheet Run Rattle Run Old Nassau Odis DAILY DOUBLE: Air Spin and Time Indian (7 7 paid $2620 6 fur NEMRAC Kraiz 5 IJI LOWER Chambers SRTA MONICA Breeding irst Check Gallant Surrender Guyna Ring Volunteer State 7 fur 1:26: PEN BOLERO Hinojosa 720 46 ALIAS Gustincs 62 GIN TUESDAY Boulmeiis (aiJet Stratus tajSailur Man Circle Recommended Sir Carran mate a 'Cunningham Amberg entries 1 mi rCMJL HLAY bCitet'S GAY SERENADE Gu YOUNG CHICAGO Boulmeiis Tulyarissa Troubles Treachery 6 fur 1:12 OR THE ROAD Peake 920 5 40 BOUNCER Chambers 1000 AL BRANDY Bnulmetls co DDanaunk Align Trusting ailh Towson Man 1 GAELIC LAD Chambers 720 KNIGHT Block SOLSTICE Lee Yeuxdoux Dara Do Well Erudite 2nd Hs mi BRONZE BABU Hinojosa WISE SHIP Gustincs PARKA erraro fLoyal Lady 2nd Nlksar Irish Dandy God Vlmy Ridge ield Pi mi WHIRIBEATER Shuk 120 MISTER GROCK riram PRIDE Lee Chilly Pende Knight King Baby Man Thespian Our William The Third Dream Sinners Quest Proud Rebel King Tar Tote Boosted by Harness Betting By GEORGE LEWIS or the first time in five years total mutuel investments at area race tracks showed an increase but the jump was attributed mainly to the plus signs hung up at the three harness horse meetings Among the four thoroughbred sessions only the regular ThistleDown presentation brought an improvement in business The a i aggregate reached $78049820 as com pared to the 1961 figures $7 73 5 30 6 0 Poured into the a 1 1 a tor at three night trot ting and pacinq carnivals we $2 30 3 45 1 3 i eclipsed jlast a r's ORGE LEWIS $20447659 ThistleDown Randall Cran wood at Tlnstle and Ascot ark drew a combined handle of $55015302 after a 1961 to tal of $56905401 The Thistle operation which had the so called choice dates for the second straight year supplanted Randall ark at the head of the class handling $15479567 for an average of $351808 up 1 Susan Weaver of Mentor riding Shadrack won the Hounds Hill junior hunt trophy at the recent trials of the Chagrin Valley Hunt Earlier in the season she won the 1962 Pro fessional Horsemen's Association medal class championship com petition sponsored by the Cleveland Chapter of the PHA 11 quite unaware of the broad extent of this type of fox hunt ing gathering their impres sions chiefly from the English sporting print portrayals of miral Shelby Gal Piquant Sun Kan Victory Padraig 1 mi WARKENTINA Wolfe 3000 7 St SCATO Cooper ETUDE NiclinLon Whirling Nurse hini New Makrr Artt'icto winced way 3 fur GALDRUM Clark GRAVEL CAPITOL CHQPOPOISE Holmes Lucky Grorce Power Queen Palare Rov Sea Abbey Kashmir Honest Red Spicy Traveler 6 fur 1:15: SNOOCYAR Holmes 380 260 SHMOHAWK Welch 360 fa)dqIDYLL MONEY Wilkerson (a)CutP Tittlo Tvkn Boonh itv Confess Park Mr Jo Bo Dinner Maker: vrti irr einry Disqualified from 1st 5 ur 1:08: KA VEEN Pichetie 950 RIGHT NOTE Wilson SO LITTLE Silva Akboy Mr Pen Roy Giver Darkness 6 fur ONLY TROUBLE Smith 6 60 PRINCESS NAGRA Vacant! MANDY'S VALE Steineman rt ri inw star Record Breaker Daldust 6 fur TENNESSEE DOT Nicholson RO 20 ANOTHER ART Cave ANDREW ROAD Murphy erra i un Astrology i Golden Cal 5 furs eternal marine Kaelin 2240 1 000 RANCES Clark 1220 CHANCE Murphy Mfss'on Pefv Star Moor Compliment Ricky Derry joe APACHE BRAVE Chestnut MISS MAUDE Sportsmans Results 6' fur 1:19: GO DANNY GO Glorioso 900 480 STAGE MUSIC Barnett 820 DEVIL Cox Pilate's Glory Sun Inct Com II Vento Gincnee iow naDy rompano Boy second 61 fur 119: WILL ALLrtH Laltarulo 1460 LEOS IMAGE GIOHOSO PRO POSE Stone Doreen ar Behind Goody Goody Southern Browns Sir Butch DAILY DOUBLE: Go Danny Go and Will of Allah 8 6i paid $8320 THIRD 61 fur 1: AKIUAA ieselman 1 0780 DARK PAGE Weiler SWEET GINGER Skuse Third Child Trust Mme Edgar Greek Challenger Lttle Alpha Becky Oje iena rourseii 1 ml 1:39: CHALLENGE SHIP Coffman 13 80 SUN SUSPENSE Winant VOLKIN Collier Carlo Cruller Style News Way Yond er KicKover dpuinnc 1TH 1A mt 1:4 6U: TODD Plomchok 1360 680 DATE Gallimore 700 BAGGINS Skiice Nirgals Soinf Endeavour aunt leroy aee jay txran 1 SPY MAN Coffman 9 60 DEACON SHINE Barnett WAUKESHA Cook Cable Kinz GUI Dunstan Bcauzlda Charlies Admiral 6 fur 1:1 l3s: ROSE GEM Skoronski 540 HOOP BOUND Cook N'ODOSARIA 1'nk Perpetual Buy Sweet's Hol Roman cnri 1 mi 139: AMERICAN COMET Barrow 800 HEROSHOGALA Sku TOIIWAV RaMwn Bl Zap Kuirii San Air Pilot 14 mi PUIBAY Skoromkl 4O BRECADA Collier mJNZCin Pairrlav Pane's Mini RaCini Dor Wine Prayer Speed of Sound Cna rotative 4 on 300 54 0 360 440 KNOXVILLE Tenn: (T) Tennessee mounted only one sustained scoring drive yes terday but ran back two pass interceptions for touchdowns and beat Wake orest 23 0 Thn vieforv was second against four losses It (rhe coach further related Churchill Results 6 fur 1:12 DANCING LIGHT Popara 820 440 K1MBRO Baird 400 BATTLE MENOW RfirrempnkP Bim Beau How Are Things Ann Logan Danscur Noble Sir Trafalgar Treasure Gold Hy Cissy Lord Harry Broom Jockey iur iign5 LEETING ANTASY Miller 640 460 STINGUM Gonzalez 300 LADY ROBERG Callico Hv Millie Soar Witch of Endor Krfspic Uunkln Pania Hiwassee Star An onicr ixuise iJKi mean uanessa DAILY DOUBLE! Danrine Iirht leeting antasy 11 i) paid $2740 6 fur TRIORALL Callico 880 SOLID CEMENT razer WILLIE BILL Popara Robins Cane Potterlon noiri avann roco Trust Man reight Train I mi 1:462 IDLE TIME Callico 1000 EASETTE Anyon PALENQUE II Le Jeune Goldenedce Bill Jim Charlie cause Concentrator Lady lashy x'kiu oiuu reuse 6 fur 1 1 0 Piekmrlo Adagio Dancer Mt Sun of Dinah Counterway Chasmar 62 fur 5: UiCU Vasqiiez YANKEE SAILOR Bcauchane IRST ROUND Sorensen Lrtiilal Winged Virtorv Acquales Herb Scott Bcnazazi Nero SEVENTH 7 fur 1'23 COPY CHIE Vasquez 760 LEMON TWIST Phelps SKY GEM Ij Jrnnp Omamento Telnthnn ntv rin Duke Sol Invictus Reprieve Trial By llTl 1 ml PRIMONETTA Baird 320 320 OLD HAT Nono 800 ORTUNATE ISLE Vasauez Venture Grownup Lady Bequest Gert Image luoresce Tim Es Two Clav Noble Union Wing Spread 6 fur 1: (a) ALWAYS ALIVE Ycaza 1160 TURN ME IN Blum (biSLOOP Baeza (a) Barter Babylon News Just Asking Roman Sprinter Navy Cutter (bi Prince William ia) Park Deere Stable Hereff entry (b) Wacker II entry 6 fur 1: 13V GRAY PET Brooks 1960 1200 620 NASHVER Baeza 1200 520 LANDISVILLE Blum 3 00 Sam Ross Wild Oat Kentucky Private ast Red Emerald Cut I1 mi 2:05: muritrW BUIT CARRY BACK Rotz SENSITIVE Yeaza Crozier Misty Day Smart Towson wniuey 6 fur 1:1384: fa BAKER COUNTY Gomez 820 420 ROYAL RATION ThornbUig 720 SHARP THINKER Gilligan (aiKcep Quiet Hen Verdicchio bestic Long Gone John a iChrlstopher A entry POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT CRITICS CHOICE Viola 5 60 DR L'NCD Nichol nn QUIV1ERA Greenberg zz EU Roman Samiri scoundrel Bienjrm 1 mi 1: HERE'S A DEAR Holmes DEBUNKER Cassidv HAV IT DUN Cuoocr Pine Alor Momannons Tom's Pal ny Popeye Sovran Gift Sandy Run lester Short Duchess DAILY DOUBLE Critics Choice A Dear paid $3200 6 fur SEE SEE Praszuol 1360 520 INTEGRATE Rosello 340 BABY BOMBER Sanchez Soldwav Maid Golden Calf Hastv tynst wli fCMii I Wilt 4 hi jSI £1 IM Wffl Ik 1962 igures RUNNERS Track Davs Handle ThistleDown 44 $454795(57 Randall Park 44 14467039 Cranwood 44 12985 947 Ascot Park 44 12082741? Track Nights jlandl? tPainesvIlle 44 7969523 Northfield 44 7958659 tOrandview 44 7106336 Totals 132 $20447659 Grand Tolals 308 $78049820 fAt Northfield Park 1961 igures RUNNERS Track Davs Handle Randall Park 44 $15779775 ThistleDown 44 15266894 Cranwood 14 13516961 Ascot Park 44 12341771 Totals 176 $56905401 At ThistleDown 4.
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